Relax yoga, gentle morning start
Relax yoga, gentle morning start
Give your day a gentle and conscious start with this short Relax Yoga session. Begin with body awareness and breathing exercises that will help you relax and switch off. Stephanie Rohr and her co-presenter Sandra Laukemann will then teach you beneficial spinal mobilization and shoulder stretches, such as the Cobra, Downward Dog, Utkatasana, etc. You'll then do a series of leg and hip flexor stretches that will help open your hips.
During the final morning program, which is co-presented by Ana Nemesio Gonzales, you can either sit down or lay on your back. Become aware of your breath flows and recharge your energy and inner peace with some alternate breathing.
Tip: Before you start, you should look at the different yoga flows and make sure you are training at your own pace. There are easier versions for many of the featured exercises.
Note: You'll find the equipment you need for Relax Yoga under the "General Information" tab.
Included Exercises
- Ankommen 03:26
- Wirbelsäulenmobilisation & Schultergürteldehnung 12:59
- Dehnung Hüftbeuger & Beine 08:36
- Morgenprogramm 00:23
- Wechselatmung 04:51
Workout Facts
1. ich konnte nicht "blind" mitmachen, da die Erläuterungen für mich nicht immer klar waren.
2. Ein paar Mal wurds ganz schön hektisch
3. Das Ende kam für mich auch überraschend bzw. musste nachsehen, ob es zu Ende ist
4. die neuen Kurse, die Steffi selbst spricht, sind schöner und für mich klarer.
Insgesamt sehr entspannend. Vielen Dank.
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