Pilates has your back - Main course
Pilates has your back - Main course
Gentle yet incredibly effective exercises for a healthy and strong core - the name says it all!
Pilates expert Anette Alvaredo has developed a well-balanced workout: The spine moves organically, strengthening the entire supporting muscles (including pelvic floor and trunk muscles).
This combination is ideal for preventing most everyday back problems and releases existing tension and blockages.
A final relaxation routine completes the workout.
Included Exercises
- Block 1: Heel sitting/knee stand 05:28
- Block 2: On all fours 07:28
- Block 3: Abdominal position 05:52
- Block 4: Long sitting position 04:10
- Block 5: Sitting/Sitting cross-legged 04:17
- Block 6: On the side/Sitting sideways 08:08
- Block 7: Supine position 06:55
- Block 8: Supine position/shoulder bridge 05:39
- Block 9: Supine position on roller 08:54
We recommend that beginners watch "Pilates Back - Introduction" before tackling their first workout.Workout Facts
Die Übungen sind anfängerfreundlich und die Stimme - sehr angenehm.
Definitiv mein Favorit.
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Mache ihn immer wieder gerne- nun auch vorbeugend 🙂
Die Entspannung im Anschluß passt für mich einfach perfekt.
Vielen Dank! 😍
schau bei den Kursvarianten. Dort kannst du den "Pilates für den Rücken-Einführung" finden.
Die Übungen sind anfängerfreundlich und di...