Power LBT - Main course
Power LBT - Main course
Nina Winkler's challenging 60-minute class really puts you through your paces, intensely training, shaping and toning the usual suspects of abdomen, legs and buttocks. Great cardio sequences and full-body exercises included.
Start off with a warm-up that stimulates circulation and gets the body ready for the workout.
Move on to strength training from the classic LBT workout and combine with balance exercises. Great extra bonus: With so many repetitions at different speeds, the entire core gets an intense workout without even trying. (One caveat though: You may feel this in your knees).
On the floor, continue with a dynamic and intense muscle building workout for back, buttocks, hips, legs, waist and abdomen. Combine with holds.
While easy to perform, the variety and number of repetitions make for a truly challenging workout. Beginners will have a lot of scope for improvement. More athletic participants will be happy, too. There will be plenty of challenges left for them as well.
A short and pleasant stretch routine rounds off the session (your sore muscles will thank you).
Work out hard, but most of all have fun!
Included Exercises
- Warm-up 05:13
- Next squat 04:20
- Knee lift 03:20
- Power step 04:33
- Tight squat 04:39
- Back strength 03:38
- Butt kick 04:42
- Hip lift 02:52
- Leg push 10:07
- Waist crunch 04:08
- Abdominal strength 05:33
- Stretching 05:33
It's the number of repetitions that make it challenging; the individual exercises are not difficultWorkout Facts
Die Kursleitung ist zwar für meinen Geschmack etwas unpersönlich, das ist schade aber echt effektives Training. Mach ich bald wieder!
Danke dass der Kurs im Programm ist.
Sehr kurzweiliger Kurs, die Zeit vergeht im Flug.
Sehr schön. Alles einmal durch. Ich auch. So soll es sein. Namaste!
Hat aber wirklich Spaß gemacht!
Musste zwischendurch eine Pause einlegen
Woran es liegt, weiß ich auch nicht. Werde ich jedenfalls nicht noch einmal machen. Die Kurse von Steffi hier finde ich um Längen besser.
Empfinde ich fordernder als "Bauch, Beine, Po intensiv"!
Danke dass der Kurs im...