Dance workout - Level 1
Dance workout - Level 1
Michaela Süßbauer's intensive “Dance Workout” will not only improve your endurance, balance, and coordination, but will also get rid of some extra pounds. It’s a combination of classic aerobic moves with jazz, funk, hip-hop and street dance elements. Get ready to have some fun!
You will start with a short mobilization routine that will increase your body temperature and literally get you to relax. You will then dive right into the choreography, which is explained “step by step”. Big are the beats on fat during this exciting Cardio-Training!
In level 1 you will be repeating many of the basic steps that are shown in detail. It’s great for beginners that have a good level of fitness but not a lot of dance experience.
Don’t panic if you can’t get your legs and arms all coordinated at first. Start by simply focusing on your legs, and as soon as you have that under control you can try adding your arms to the mix.
You will round off this fast-paced dance workout with some final stretches.
Included Exercises
- Mobilization 06:59
- First Moves 11:44
- Step by Step 08:29
- Stretch Only 05:19
Always pay attention to a good body tension.Workout Facts
Die Muskeln werden vor allem im zweiten Teil total einseitig beansprucht, da die meisten Schritte immer in eine Richtung gemacht werden...
Schade eigentlich, da die Schritte ansonsten ganz gut erklärt sind.
Streching Teil könnte etwas länger in der gestreckten Position verweilen. (Mit halber Geschwindigkeit oder dauerndeem Stop angucken geht auch, aber eher unentpannt. Oder auswendig 🙂
Viel Spaß!🙂